Octalysis Framework


What is it & why should you use it?

The Octalysis Framework is a gamification tool that identifies and analyses the eight core human drives that motivate behaviour. Designed by Yu-kai Chou, it's visualised as an octagon, with each side representing a different motivator, such as accomplishment, empowerment, social influence, and unpredictability.

Using the Octalysis Framework can provide deeper insights into what motivates learners or users, allowing designers like yourself to create more engaging and effective experiences. By understanding and leveraging these core drives, you can tailor content and teaching methodologies to resonate with diverse audiences.


How to use it?

  1.  Identify the Target Audience and Objectives:

  2. Analyse the Eight Core Drives:

    • Explore the eight core drives of the Octalysis Framework: Meaning, Accomplishment, Empowerment, Ownership, Social Influence, Scarcity, Unpredictability, and Loss & Avoidance.

    • Consider how each drive might relate to your learners and the product/program's goals.

  3. Map the Drives to the program/product:

    • Determine which drives are most relevant to your goals.

    • Integrate interventions that align with the chosen drives to enhance motivation and engagement.

  4. Design Experiences Around the Drives:

    • Craft learning experiences, tasks, or rewards that tap into the chosen core drives.


Where was it used?

The solutions to all three needs identified by Avanti were mapped to the relevant core drivers on the Octalysis framework, and the interventions/solutions were designed accordingly.  Read more about it here.


Use it in your context!

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